March 13, 2021

Malcolm & Marie

You know what, Malcolm? I feel like once you know someone is there for you and once you know they love you, you never actually think of them again.

That's not true.

It's not until you're about to lose someone that you pay attention.

You know how disturbed you are, Marie? You may have gotten clean, but you still haven't figured this part out. Why you love being hurt, traumatized and fucking eviscerated? It's not normal. It's not healthy, and it permeates every aspect of our relationship. The way we talk, the way we fight, the way we fuck. I've dated some damaged people in my life, Marie. But none of them wanted to be debased and degraded like you.

March 12, 2021

Beast Beast

Et sembla que els llamps són una exageració?
I l'erupció d'un volcà?
Un huracà?
Són fenòmens naturals.
Els pots veure venir però no pots culpar l'huracà.
Estàs furiós. Se't nota quan et poses a criticar poèticament. Em fas llàstima. Ets tu qui mereix fer llàstima, home trist i patètic. Però tu no em fas llàstima, avui. Perquè, dins meu, estic plena de magma calent. I tinc el cap ple de núvols negres com el carbó.
Ha arribat el dia de passar comptes.