March 13, 2021

Malcolm & Marie

You know what, Malcolm? I feel like once you know someone is there for you and once you know they love you, you never actually think of them again.

That's not true.

It's not until you're about to lose someone that you pay attention.

You know how disturbed you are, Marie? You may have gotten clean, but you still haven't figured this part out. Why you love being hurt, traumatized and fucking eviscerated? It's not normal. It's not healthy, and it permeates every aspect of our relationship. The way we talk, the way we fight, the way we fuck. I've dated some damaged people in my life, Marie. But none of them wanted to be debased and degraded like you.

March 12, 2021

Beast Beast

Et sembla que els llamps són una exageració?
I l'erupció d'un volcà?
Un huracà?
Són fenòmens naturals.
Els pots veure venir però no pots culpar l'huracà.
Estàs furiós. Se't nota quan et poses a criticar poèticament. Em fas llàstima. Ets tu qui mereix fer llàstima, home trist i patètic. Però tu no em fas llàstima, avui. Perquè, dins meu, estic plena de magma calent. I tinc el cap ple de núvols negres com el carbó.
Ha arribat el dia de passar comptes.

October 28, 2020

Verão Danado

There's a smell and all I can tell is the sight of my ears feeling energy of your voice coming to warn me of the coming time. The time comes and goes but you continue to speak closely and gently into my ear. The light you give me fills the shallow vessel I call mind. The empty jar in wich I keep my dreams. The open eye from wich I catch a glimpse of your smile. There is not much time left to be late and it's too late to find the time to make sense of this haste of wich you choose to appear to me stealing my peace and giving me something greater, something that was not great on my conscious. I now remember where I had been. With you in some other dimension. With you. No more questions. With you. With me. With us.

Hay un olor y todo lo que puedo decir es la visión de mis oídos sintiendo la energía de tu voz avisándome del tiempo venidero. El tiempo viene y va pero tú continúas hablando suavemente a mi oído. La luz que me das llena el recipiente trivial al que llamo mente. La jarra vacía donde guardo mis sueños. El ojo abierto por el que entreveo tu sonrisa. No queda mucho tiempo para llegar tarde y es muy tarde para encontrar el tiempo para darle sentido a la prisa donde eliges aparecerme robando mi paz y dándome algo mayor, algo que no era grande en mi consciencia. Ahora recuerdo dónde estuve. Contigo, en otra dimensión. Contigo. No más preguntas. Contigo. Conmigo. Con nosotres.

October 21, 2020